Today's Key issue I picked up from an LCS (Local Comic Store) 30 minutes from where I live. I'd never been there before and had very little time as the family was waiting for me in the car. There were a lot of slabs and some decent back issues. It seemed to be functioning the way a comic shop should; the owner/operator who is friendly and looking to make a sale without pressure and some local comic heads who might just be there to say hi, and feel part of the community. I didn't have the cash to drop on a slab so I told him I was looking for some good back issue keys. Under time pressure and a text from my wife I quickly sifted the bins and pulled out a 1989 copy of The Incredible Hulk 364. I didn't check the interior pages because I never assume they are white, it's nearly impossible on the classic newsprint style paper. The book did have a near-perfect spine, no rollover, and nice staple alignment. The edges and corners were also excellent. I'm not an expert,
For the sake of time, I'm only going to focus on the first story in the oversized 64 page - Future State: The Next Batman issue #1. As a reader, I needed more set up to care about the new Batman Tim Fox. The character is showing some real promise, but writer John Ridley just threw us into the story which felt more of a tell than a show. I will say there are good points. Ridley wrote some convincing moments with the Bane-litos gang recruiting new members and an interaction between ex-partner street cops. I will also give Ridley credit in that the page count he was working with was dismal. Shame on DC for not at least allowing the writer to develop the full 64 pages for the new Batman. The drawing was good for this first story. Nick Derington has some really decent pages in here, especially with the action shots. Denington makes consistent use of shadows, which is a must to maintain the look and fee l of Gotham City. Some panels also had a Judge Dredd tone (which is a good thing) mi